Wednesday, October 29
When he died on September 12th, readers crowded the Web with tributes to his generosity, his intelligence. "But he wasn't Saint Dave," says Jonathan Franzen, Wallace's best friend and the author of The Corrections. "This is the paradox of Dave: The closer you get, the darker the picture, but the more genuinely lovable he was. It was only when you knew him better that you had a true appreciation of what a heroic struggle it was for him not merely to get along in the world, but to produce wonderful writing." - Rolling Stone: The Lost Years & Last Days of David Foster Wallace
Tuesday, October 14
Zen debris
Monday, October 13
The definition of epic
This is truly epic: Two guys do El Capitan in Yosemite in under three hours. Freaking un-believable (says the one-time super-amateur climber).
Monday, October 6
Video of the day
Oh man, this cracks me up. If you ever wondered what the lyrics should've been to match the classic A-ha video, here you go.