Thursday, November 25


It's a balmy Thursday morning here on the edge of nowhere. We've walked the dogs, admired the painterly sky, packed up and are getting to the final stages of hitting the road. Yes: We're going somewhere!

We'll be off planet here for a few days, hitting Jim and Joy's today for food and fun and Scrabble (using official rules...), then Friday Kristen and I are leaving the kids and the two old dogs at their grandparents and we're driving down to Pueblo for a dog show. Kristen is going to show Westley, who celebrated his six-month birthday a few days ago and is thus eligible for puppy class competition and experience.

If I get the computer out at all in the meantime, it'll be to hack away at the NaNo. Picked up some 3500 words late last night and this morning, and reached the halfway point, a little beyond even. Still, I have to find some way to come up with nearly 4500 words a day for the next six days to make it. It's gonna be rough. But it's gonna be.

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