Sunday, November 14


Is it possible to find American made bath towels? I was in the bathroom a bit ago, pre-shower, having just read a bit of Stephenson's Cryptonomicon about Yamamoto flying in a Mitsubishi plane during WWII, and I looked up to see the towel in front of me was made in China. I'm a proponent of Think globally, act locally. I'm also a believer the international community of humans. And I suppose my job is (distantly, but not unrealistically) potentially subject to outsourcing to a cheaper English speaking country. (I called my local cable company the other night to find out the channel number of the new Denver Nuggets channel and spoke to a woman with a definite sub-continental India English accent.) I don't think of myself as Republican buy-American type (I don't have a flag magnet on my car; my politics skew blue-state), but if I wanted to buy a good quality towel from a local source, could I do it? There must be a dozen stores in this town where I can buy a towel -- all the biggies (Wal-Mart, Target, Dillards, JC Penney, Kohl's, Ross, Sears, K-mart) are here -- but are all the towels from elsewhere, overseas, giving me low low prices for the exploited poorly paid work of others? Can I get a locally (in this case, contintentwide) made towel?

Made me wonder. Made me imagine a whole freelance article about the topic. Maybe I'll write it.

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