Friday, December 17

End of fall?

After that last blast of snow (the five inches the Sunday after Thanksgiving) and below zero temps (three ofthose days the following week), we've been fairly mild. Warm even, warm enough that nearly all the snow is gone after sticking around (thanks to the cold temps) for maybe almost two weeks. A quickie storm blew through last night, we walked in snow back to our car after the concert last night, and drove a few miles in it, but aside from an icy back deck and the slightest dusting on the shady/cold spots around the yard, there was nothing to show for it. And the forecast for the final week of fall looks perfect: sunny, highs in the upper 40s or low 50s, and lows in the mid 20s. A nice weekend to finally get the lights up outside, if we can swing it after a very busy week.

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