Monday, December 6
GreNoFiMo update
I'm proud to report that this weekend I, um, uh, well, saw a movie (National Treasure, a fine popcorn flick, the brainy sidekick was hilarious but Nic Cage is miscast), and watched a couple of others on DVD (really liked The Terminal) and a of couple episodes of Northern Exposure's first season, and read quite a few many pages from the Roth novel I'm about to finish, and, uh, let's see. Oh yeah, walked the dogs a couple of times. Organized the CDs on the new CD cabinet Kristen finished staining (we went for alpha order, with the soundtracks and compilations on their own shelves), cut and glued up some trim on my daughter's dollhouse, and um, well, I actually wrote ZERO words on my novel.
But I thought about it once or twice, and when I got up at 5:30 on Sunday morning (stupid early-rising dogs) I even took my laptop downstairs with me thinking I'd work on it for a couple hours before everyone else got up, but I read instead and mostly struggled to stay awake.
But I thought about it once or twice, and when I got up at 5:30 on Sunday morning (stupid early-rising dogs) I even took my laptop downstairs with me thinking I'd work on it for a couple hours before everyone else got up, but I read instead and mostly struggled to stay awake.