Wednesday, December 8
Part II
And a lightning bolt happens to accidentally hit a pond of organic carbon-based compounds at just the right time of night, and two become one, mixed just right, completely, totally accidentally, correct me if I'm wrong, but then that one becomes two, and cells grow, and there's just no stopping these cells, and they become four and sixteen and two-hundred fifty-six and two thousand forty-eight and so on and so on and then you've got giraffes and spiders and emus walking around this blue green space orb and monkeys start talking and building SUVs and collecting fire and stamps and beating the crap out of the tribes that live across the river or over the mountain, hording the natural resources they have because of some serious overpopulation problems because making babies is like so totally much fun so these premodern old guys create these elaborate noun-and-verb-based systems to explain how everything works, how it used to be better when they were kids walking to the cave uphill through the snow and they're really swell stories, see ...