Wednesday, December 8

Part V

And we're buying stuff with batteries not included and sending analog paper-based missives to friends and family with little one-page recaps of what happened this year (or 19k worth of pictures) because even though we're friends and families, we're all spread out over this vast blue orb, torn from our little tribes by the needs to create vast income to pay for petroleum to fuel our SUVs and power mowers to cut our lawns in summer and to consume, yes to CONSUME stuff and so we move all over the empty landscape and live by oceans and rivers or out here on the edge of nothing and we don't talk to these friends and families so much as we used to so we write little annual notes and make photocopies and mail them all over tarnation, even to the friends and families who are so close to you they know you better than you even know yourself and you speak to them every day about everything worth knowing and doing and being.

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