Tuesday, January 18
Dawn of a new day
I keep telling myself, whenever I find myself posting political rants like the three you'll find below, that I should just lay off the president and this administration. I should just keep my mouth shut, and go about my business and write about life here on the edge, the lack of art house films, the racism of the local population, the temperature changes, or just keep it super personal: the kids activities, Connor's filmmaking, Reade's music, the antics of our dogs and so on and so forth. My intentions are good, believe me, in leaving the political commentary out of it. But then I read something like this, from Animal Farm (in which Napoleon has just used the grown dogs to run Snowball off after Snowball has been selling his pipe dream of electricity):
"(Snowball) fought bravely at the Battle of the Cowshed," said somebody.
"Bravery is not enough," said Squealer. "Loyalty and obedience are more important. And as to the Battle of the Cowshed, I believe the time will come when we shall find that Snowball's part in it was much exaggerated. Discipline, comrades, iron discipline! That is the watchword for today. One false step, and enemies would be upon us. Surely, comrades you do not want the (terrorists) back?
Of course, Squealer said they do not want Jones the Farmer back, but the point is the same. So I read this book and I think of the Jerry Garcia quote hanging on our refrigerator downstairs: "Somebody has to so something. It's just pathetic it has to be us." And the next you know, I'm back to posting political stuff. Must be a personality flaw. So if I must be loyal, I will be loyal to the America of free speech, political dissent, Thoreau's civil disobedience, Martin Luther King's I have a dream and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. (And I must be loyal to breakfast, because apparently my hunger is making me go all patriotic on y'all. Bye for now).
Updated: An earlier version of this post called 'Animal Farm' Animal House, which I blame on the early hour of the post and prompting Nick's comment below.... so whoops, and thanks for the heads-up, Nick. And then I commented, made a mistake, and reposted my comment with typo fixed and now I can't seem to find the way to delete the redundant comment. Oh well....
"(Snowball) fought bravely at the Battle of the Cowshed," said somebody.
"Bravery is not enough," said Squealer. "Loyalty and obedience are more important. And as to the Battle of the Cowshed, I believe the time will come when we shall find that Snowball's part in it was much exaggerated. Discipline, comrades, iron discipline! That is the watchword for today. One false step, and enemies would be upon us. Surely, comrades you do not want the (terrorists) back?
Of course, Squealer said they do not want Jones the Farmer back, but the point is the same. So I read this book and I think of the Jerry Garcia quote hanging on our refrigerator downstairs: "Somebody has to so something. It's just pathetic it has to be us." And the next you know, I'm back to posting political stuff. Must be a personality flaw. So if I must be loyal, I will be loyal to the America of free speech, political dissent, Thoreau's civil disobedience, Martin Luther King's I have a dream and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. (And I must be loyal to breakfast, because apparently my hunger is making me go all patriotic on y'all. Bye for now).
Updated: An earlier version of this post called 'Animal Farm' Animal House, which I blame on the early hour of the post and prompting Nick's comment below.... so whoops, and thanks for the heads-up, Nick. And then I commented, made a mistake, and reposted my comment with typo fixed and now I can't seem to find the way to delete the redundant comment. Oh well....
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Right. Whoops. Animal House, Animal Farm, it's pretty much the same story. Robert Deniro plays Napoleon, David Spade plays Squealer but forget Belushi, Kevin Spacey plays Squealor. And Dean Wormer? That's George Bush!
Right. Whoops. Animal House, Animal Farm, it's pretty much the same story. Robert Deniro plays Napoleon, David Spade plays Squealer but forget Belushi, Kevin Spacey plays Snowball. And Dean Wormer? That's George Bush!
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