Wednesday, January 26

Good question

"We are enmeshed in a global system of conquest and destruction in which Corporate America and the United States government manipulate and control the lives of millions of ostensibly free individuals. How many Americans are prepared to die to make the world safe for McDonald's, Wal-Mart, 747s, gas-guzzling SUVs, the Internet, Bill Gates, and the rest of the Forbes 400 richest Americans?" This is Thomas Naylor talking, author of the "Vermont Manifesto" and the Second Vermont Republic movement. And here' a Salon link on secession movements.

This topic is of interest to me because a long time ago, back in 1986 or so, I started working on a long piece of fiction about a group of Californians who work to split northern California from southern California. I got probably 50 pages into it before I moved from Northern California to Southern California and put it away.

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