Wednesday, January 26

Taking electricty for granted

Did anyone happen to catch on PBS last night the docu about the American power company in the Republic of Georgia? Fascinating TV, an amazing look at post-Soviet life and a peek at exporting American business values in central Asia. Who knew the power grid could be so interesting? Maybe they'll run it again, so check local listings or the Independent Lens web site.

This is a good reminder to remember the rest of the world. Things aren't like they are here in America, and the struggle these Georgians face will be repeated and repeated in coming decades, particularly if the Bush Administration continues on its path of forcing our democratic model and our culture down third-world throats. Reminds me of mom: because it's good for you. Altho, officially, I can't remember my mom ever ever ever using that advice on me. Plus: my parents were against medicine.

Hey Eric, it's the anonymous mom here. I didn't see the special, but your little comment on it sure makes me think of a book I'm just getting into, recommended highly a few weeks ago by a couple of good friends. It's called "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man", by John Perkins, I think, and is s'posed to explain American international dealings of the past 50-60 years--basically claiming that we are empire-building.
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