Tuesday, February 8

This week's goals

Okay, self, here's last week's writing goals and what we accomplished:

1. Move the laptop out of the bedroom and into the blue room -- did not do.
2. Set up the new bookcase in blue room -- done!
3. Finish organizing all my mom's paperwork -- done!
4. Start the paper copy edit/proofing to my current untitled novel -- done! (some 10-12 chapters on paper, some three chapters on the e-file).

So here's this week's goals:

1. Move laptop to the blue room, find the phone jack (behind one of the bookcases).
2. Paper edit/proof 25 pages of the novel.
3. Make changes to three chapters of the novel.
4. Gather all my old fiction into one file/box in blue room office (this is the stretch goal…) Getting it all in one place (out of the various boxes and files in my closet and in the garage) and think about sorting it. I'm only going to think about sorting it (ready to send out, need final clean copy, needs another draft, first draft, half-finished first draft, piece of crap to review for trash file, etc.) because I'd rather work on my novel than building my office, but building the office feels like progress too, so maybe I'll get to it.

I'd say you had a pretty successful week, Eric. You should feel pretty good! Onward and upward.
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