Wednesday, March 23

Author photos

Reviewing this thread of author photos, it makes a(n egotistical wannabe) writer think: what should my author photo be? Artsy? Fartsy? Dreamy? Competent? Techno? The one of me mugging in front of Mount Rushmore? The one of me wearing that stupid hat? The one of me at the swimming pool? The one of me sitting thoughtfully on a mountain?

(Of course, even thinking about it ridiculous until/unless one has a book contract, no? How sad is it to think of this now? How human?)

And I wonder if published writers find themselves searching out threads like this and, upon finding them and finding themselves not pictured, wondering why they're not listed yet? Is it a sign of "having made it" if people post your photo to a thread like this. Would they create a screen name and submit their own photo, just to make sure they're included?

And do published writers monitor their Amazon ranking? Compete against friends -- Ha, Updike, I'm 43,345th and you're like 44,000th!

My personal fav: Lester Bangs! I love that guy...

And, as for the Amazon thing, when I went to the convention last weekend, all people talked about was their Amazon ranking ... personally I was happy when I broke past 1 million!
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