Tuesday, March 15

Why I read

A few weeks back, Nick asked me (and my brother) why we read. I'm not going to answer that yet, but I have been thinking about it off and on these past few weeks while he's been doing papers and finals and I've been floating around daily life. I do read for very specific reasons, I will say that, and I do read very certain kinds of things (in cycles, of course). Right now, for example, I'm reading very short novels (mostly). I also read The Wonderful Wizard of Oz as part of the AnderLiterary Society (current membership: three; current books read: 1; members who've read said book: 2 of 3). I'm also part of MELDAR -- Multiple Erics Long Distance Association of Readers (non Erics need not apply). So maybe someday I'll spell out (in actual letters and words here) why I read.

But not today. Today I must enjoy the sunshine and the upcoming trip to Denver.

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