Friday, April 15
Edge of nowhere indeed. I'm sitting up here in the blue room, the second floor office (spare bedroom) overlooking our backyard, a corner of the school yard, a fairly busy thoroughfare, several hundred acres of suburban rooftops and, beyond, the Poudre River valley and, way beyond, the Medicine Bow mountains and a large chunk of Wyoming. I'm doing e-mail, thinking about combining two of my recent novels (to make one stronger one) and strumming my guitar, watching the sunshine drop upon the land.
There! Running across the baseball field in the school yard, slipping through the chain link fence gate, running up the little dirt hill behind our fence: a fox! Pointy ear, redish fur and those dark sock legs, he's moving at a good clip, and then he pauses, snifs the air, and runs down behind our fence and along the bike path out of sight along the busy street. Go fox go!
There! Running across the baseball field in the school yard, slipping through the chain link fence gate, running up the little dirt hill behind our fence: a fox! Pointy ear, redish fur and those dark sock legs, he's moving at a good clip, and then he pauses, snifs the air, and runs down behind our fence and along the bike path out of sight along the busy street. Go fox go!