Thursday, November 3

Day Three

Well, it's not much, but it's a start: 797 words after an hour or so of hacking around the beginning of the story. We meet Les Dempsey as he gets up and begins the routine of his perfect life against a backdrop of disastrous world news, advertising, logo assault and celebrity mishaps. It's not much, but it's something, 797 words. Three pages to start another novel, my fourth National Novel Writing attempt. Now I must sleep.
State of mind re: Nano: Cautious concern. I'm already a couple thousand words behind; I've got things to do this weekend that will likely prevent any serious writing time: major deck building time required during daylight hours, parties to attend, kid taxing to do, etc. Next weekend we're going to Pueblo for a dog show (altho' I now remember typing in that Pueblo hotel last November when we went to the same dog show); the weekend two after that Nick is coming for a three or four day visit, and then it's the home stretch. So I do have concerns. But I remain happy to have nearly 800 words on disk and thrilled to have a fairly complete outline, unlike last year when it seemed I wrote 25,000 words in the last six days. A long way to go, but plenty of time to get there.

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