Wednesday, November 9

Entering week two

So yesterday morning, just after I penned the post below complaining about my failures as a writer etc., I get this mass mail note from the organizers of NaNoWriMo, and it was like an echo of me. Chris writes about week two:

"As you move from the spring wood of Week One into the trying climate of
Week Two, one or all of the following are likely to happen:
1) The fun, good-time feel of the first week will evaporate.
2) You will decide that your book is a miserable failure, that you are a
creative fraud, and that novels are best left to novelists.
3) You will put 1 and 2 together, and decide to cut your losses and drop
out now while the getting is good and the fall TV season is still
relatively new. "

So please excuse my crybaby act below and know that it at least hasn't come to No. 3. I'm not quitting. Last night, while C was at his drum lesson, I unpacked the laptop and spent an hour at a local coffee shop typing and have now pushed past the 15,000 mark (but only barely).

So: onward!

(Of course, this morning I slept in and wrote nothing but this post. Sigh.)

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