Tuesday, November 8
One week into NaNoWriMo
So we're starting the second week. My word count sits at 9,882. Again: behind pace, but not too bad I suppose. I'll try not to worry about it. I will worry about the trouble I'm having making regular efforts to sit here on the second floor and watch the sun rise over the mountains as I type my story. I will worry about the lack of effort I'm making to be regular in my writing. It's been so sporadic, binge-y. Three hours one day, none the next. Two hours this morning, nothing yesterday. And I'll try not to worry about the looming calendar of absences.
It's not a good process.
And we also won't go into my state of mind, which is also not so good for novel writing. I'm just not "into" it this year, like I was the first two years. I don't have the ambition and drive I need to get up every morning at 5 and write for 90 minutes before the days activities begin. I don't have the youthful stamina to stay up to midnight and beyond every night when the rest of the house is asleep. I have this big young dog here who's spent much of this morning chewing things he's not suppose to chew: the TV remote, my daughter's GameBoy game, her pencils covered in feathers, a library book (talk about distraction: try writing a novel with one year cocked to hear the splintering of plastic from down stairs while everyone else is asleep). I have huge doubts about my story, which I need to crush and flush. I have even bigger (yet normal) doubts about my talent and my desire and my need to do this weird novel writing hobby. I must ignore those doubts and just write write write write write.
That's the whole point of NanoWrimo for me: just write. Tie up the inner critic and leave him in the basement for a month and write. Write write write. OK. My rant is over. We'll now return to regular programming.
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9K!?! That is outstanding! What a comeback. That's like Red Sox in Game 5 kind of comeback. I'm ready for you to get back in the lead. I'm not a very good pacer.
As for all those doubts and comments about not being "into" it, you know this happens every year. You get down. You think you suck. Usually you are the one getting me out of that crap.
And if you don't pull yourself out of it, I'll sic Sven Bjorn of the Norwegian mafia after you! Ha! Now there's a threat!
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As for all those doubts and comments about not being "into" it, you know this happens every year. You get down. You think you suck. Usually you are the one getting me out of that crap.
And if you don't pull yourself out of it, I'll sic Sven Bjorn of the Norwegian mafia after you! Ha! Now there's a threat!
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