Tuesday, February 21

Observations: three

Observation one: there are few things sadder than having an hour to write, a caramel mocha and a dead laptop battery. (OK, there are thousands of things sadder, but none were obvious to me an hour ago.

Observation two: After a week of fighting a lingering head cold and frigid outdoor temperatures, I'm feeling better. I wanted to write tonight. Really. I did. See above.

Observation three: Instead of writing, I picked up some Borders three-for-two books (Anne Tyler, Jeffrey Eugenides and Dave Eggers' '05 Best Nonrequired Reading plus a James Blunt CD) then, when the coffee was gone, wandered over to Office Depot and picked up a jump drive so I can finally easily print stuff off my laptop (copies now coming, guys), five blue report covers to bind my novels when I print them off and business card paper so we can spread the word about Westley's blog.

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