Monday, February 27

Two more hours

I was able to put in two more hours on the novel yesterday while camped out at Cheyenne's Public Library. I started reading/editing from the top and got about 28 pages into it before time ran out.

Meanwhile, at the start of the year, I made a "resolution" to write 20 hours per month; in January I had 25 hours. So far in February, I'm at 14 hours. With two days -- well, nights now -- left to go in the month, that leaves three hours a day to hit the goal. I'm going to pretend it's NaNoNovember and give it a shot (knowing that if I get one more hour, I'll be able to say I "averaged" 20 hours in the first two months, which is cheating I know but so what). But before I do, I'm off to downtown to listen to my son play in an all-league honors band concert. So I'll be getting a late start tonight. I'll keep you posted.

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