Friday, August 25


Oh, and I'm also reading what I find to be a really great book right now: Lamb, the Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore, "a divinely hilarious yet heartfelt work 'reminiscent of Vonnegut and Douglas Adams.'"

Why so much Christopher Moore all of a sudden? When Jared and I went to that writer's conference in Colorado Springs 16 months or so ago, I was telling (practicing my "pitch) this other guy about Messiah's Sneaker, the novel I was pretending to be a writer with for the weekend, and he said, "That sounds like Chris Moore." Who, I said? "Christopher Moore. He writes these off-kilter comic novels."

Well, I'd never heard of this Chris Moore guy, so I made a note to check him out. It took me a year to get around to it, and I'm five books in it's worth it, and this one is clearly (to me) his Masterpiece. Kurt Vonnegut times Douglas Adams is a good summary, I think. And, that's how I would love my work to be described, only now maybe I'd say Kurt Vonnegut times Christopher Moore divided by Thomas Pynchon (if I'm going to drag Vonnegut into this, I may as well go all the way and aim as high Pynchon too) or, more realiistically, Tom Robbins. I'd be happy with Tom Robbins, too.

So, that now leads me (any my obviously huge ego) to the equation of me: KV x CM / TR = eba

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