Monday, August 21
Routine once again descends on the edge of nowhere
Film at 11? The two teen-agers who share this house with us on the Edge of Nowhere respectively resumed or began their high school educational careers today, so that means some semblance of routine will once again descend on the old homestead. And routine means I'll have a much better chance of getting back to work on all my nonpaying, nonwork work, as in updating this blog, and in working on the novels, and the short stories, and the editor pitches and agent queries, and so on.
So, look for more regular and frequent posts, and look for reports of progress from here on the Edge of Nowhere. At least when I'm not playing my guitar.
So, look for more regular and frequent posts, and look for reports of progress from here on the Edge of Nowhere. At least when I'm not playing my guitar.