Wednesday, November 29

So there you go

Anticlimactic finish to NaNo, since the book is only just getting started, but there it is: 50,000 words. 51,664 to be a bit more exact. It's not a novel, not a complete novel, which I guess is the goal, but it's a good start. This one feels huge, but then again it might just be a brain-dumping ramble. I don't know. It's too soon, and there's still too much.

Outside, it's 1 degree above zero at the moment, and the yard is buried under a good five or six inches of snow. It'll be nice to put this month behind us, what with all the personal tragedy we've had near us. No joy this month, no joy in NaNo this time.

There's a long way to go, but tomorrow's another day. And for now, I'm tired.

You ROCK!!!
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