Saturday, June 23
There might be a place for space in the question of the week, or at least the answer to it. And speaking of space, we saw the International Space Station and the Shuttle Atlantis fly over the Edge of Nowhere two nights in a row, Wednesday and Thursday. Two bright lights, seemingly the same size as Venus (which has been huge in the evening twilight the past few weeks), tracking across the dome of the night sky from northwest to southeast.
I like seeing the space station, knowing its up there, and I remember consciously getting up at 5 a.m. and going out into our front yard and walking up the street a little bit on the morning of Sept. 12, 2001, to see the space station fly over in the pinkblue dawn, and thinking that despite the tragedy and outrageousness of the attacks of the previous day, in the end peace and cooperation would win out. I still believe it, even if..... well, anyway. Someday.
I like seeing the space station, knowing its up there, and I remember consciously getting up at 5 a.m. and going out into our front yard and walking up the street a little bit on the morning of Sept. 12, 2001, to see the space station fly over in the pinkblue dawn, and thinking that despite the tragedy and outrageousness of the attacks of the previous day, in the end peace and cooperation would win out. I still believe it, even if..... well, anyway. Someday.