Sunday, November 4

Sunday night news

So I've added my pal Tom's photo page to the rightside blog roll. Go check 'em out. Took down Nick's old Lit Show site, since he's moved on to Istanbul. Took down my brother's nonused blog, too. If he'd post, I'll put it back up. Yes, that's a dare.

It's been perfect leaf raking weather here on the Edge of Nowhere for early November, 75 degrees, blue skies, sunshine, warm.

Just back from the big city where R and I watched los Nuggets lose their first game of the season.

OK, so there isn' t much news.

Oh yeah, National Novel Writing Month has begun. My two long-time readers will know I do this every year, and I've been not very excited to do it this year. I did write for about three hours on Saturday, got up to about 3,500 words, but my heart's really not it in this year.

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