Friday, July 11


So it IS nearly mid-July. I'm not wrong about that. One reason there's been so few posts here lately is that this blog is supposedly about me writing, me writing novels, me writing stuff. And I haven't been doing any of that. So I guess there's no point to posting then, is there.

I'm "working" on a story, as we know, but, well, seems I've been stuck. Since about late February, I suspect, I've been hung up. I've been doing a lot of diligent reading, a lot, and been proof-reading and copy editing and making changes to the e-copy and so on, but I haven't written any new words on the story since then. I know it was the end of February because Jared and I met for lunch on Leap Year Day to share progress. And I was rolling along through the winter. But I hit this plot flaw wall. Left my hero literally standing in a field. Didn't know what to do with him. Four months he's been standing there where I dink around, pondering, working it out in my subconscious.

Anyhoo, long story short, I think it solved itself today. Which is good.

Very good, in fact. Happily good.

So: onward again!

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