Friday, November 21

In which your blogger plays a tag game of Seven

I'll play, Jonathan, but only because you did. And I'll raise you one by saying this is the first and last tag/meme game I'll ever do here on the edge of nowhere. The rules:

1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog. Dr. Jonathan B of
Dial M for Musicology tagged me with this, the Meme of Seven.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird.

3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.

4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

5. If you don't have 7 blog friends, or if someone else already took dibs, then tag some unsuspecting strangers.

Here goes: seven random facts about me:

1. I competed in the 1983 World Grape Stomping Championship finals. I did not place.

2. I loathe the Los Angeles Dodgers. Growing up in Northern California, I was naturally a fan of the Great San Francisco Giants and the good players like Willie Mays and Juan Marichal and Willie McCovey and Gaylord Perry, not the evil bums like Wes Parker, Don Drysdale, Tommy Davis and those idiots of the '70s: Garvey, Lopes, Cey, Sutton, Russell and Tommy Freakin Lasorda. Now, as an adoptive fan of the Colorado Rockies, I still hate the Dodgers, mostly because aside from one glorious season, we can't beat them.

3. I once rode my bicycle 212 miles in a single day. I ate a lot of bananas that day, and then didn't touch them again for about six years.

4. The band I've seen live the most times (aside from school bands involving my children) is the now obsolete Oingo Boingo, which band I've seen five times in both sold out monster 12,000 seat venues in California and empty hockey arenas and the Glenn Miller Ballroom in Colorado. I know, five isn't very many. Then again, I wasn't a Deadhead.

5. I had a bit acting part as a zombie in "The Darkness," a small independent film which won the award for best action/suspense film at the 2008 Silver Spoon Film Festival.

6. I ghostwrite a blog for my dog. (OK, this one isn't so much a random fact as a dorky, embarrassing fact. On second thought, maybe it's just sad and pathetic.)

7. As this blog proves, I write a lot of unpublishable novels. I believe my current project is novel number seven. Or maybe eight? But: a guy's gotta dream. And have a hobby. And he has to keep at it, because one of these days.... I'll be happy with the finished product.

My part of these tag game is now complete, so I'll tag Jared, England, Jeff (attention visiting Dial M readers: check out Jeff's band and help spread the word about 100 Year Picnic) photoblogger Tom and.... uh... uhm, I guess they're the only bloggers I know (and in Dan's case, I only sort of know). 3.5 is nearly seven, and point-five more than Jonathan pulled off.

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